Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

How old do my children have to be to be at the pool unattended?

Children aged ten and under must be accompanied by an adult or by a responsible person aged thirteen or older. Please see the rules page for more details.

Do I have to pay a $5 fee for my babysitter/nanny every time they take our children to the pool?

If you have a nanny/au pair that meets the legal standards of living in your home to care for your children, then that person is an extension of your family, and should be added to the gate book as part of your membership.

If you have a babysitter, then families have the option to purchase a pre-paid $30 Nanny Card good for the entire season. This pass is transferable between sitters. Families can always choose to pay a $5 guest fee per visit for their sitter if a Nanny Card is not purchased. Purchase Nanny Cards through your CommunityPass account. Please add your Nanny to your account first and then “register” for a Nanny Card.

Do I have to live near Avalon to join?

No, we do not have any membership restrictions based on where you live.

How can I contribute or share my ideas for improving the Avalon Recreation Association (ARA)?

ARA Board of Directors is made of up of Avalon members just like you. We depend on new ideas and additional help to guide us as we plan for the future of the club. If you’d like to be a member of the board, please contact avalon.bod (at)

I don’t have the time to join the Board of Directors. What else can I do to help?

The Board is always looking for help on sub-committees as well. If you are passionate about the future of the dive team, or the food at the snack bar, or you have an idea that could greatly improve ARA, let the Board know that you’re interested in helping out.

Who should I notify if I’m at the pool or tennis courts, and I see a problem that needs to be resolved?

Please notify the manager on duty immediately so they can resolve the issue immediately. Our managers and staff are eager to maintain the integrity and quality of the ARA experience. If you experience unkempt courts, dirty tables, unclean bathrooms, or broken equipment, it would be our first priority for our managers to resolve that issue, and we appreciate being notified.

How can I obtain a key to the tennis courts?

Members can obtain a key to the tennis courts from a manager on duty during regular pools hours or by calling the Avalon office, or the tennis office during the off-season. You may also contact the tennis pro to arrange for a scheduled key pick up.

How should I reserve a tennis court?

Reserve courts online at

The Avalon facility code is ARA510

Can we have healthier snacks at the snack bar? Why are certain snack bar items so expensive?

The ARA staff welcomes suggestions about the pricing and selection at the snack bar. Some healthier snacks have been tried in the past. Unfortunately the snacks spoiled before they were purchased. While spoilage, storage, and demand are factors for consideration, please continue to make suggestions ideally with ideas for the marketing, purchasing, and storage of these items.

If you have suggestions for improvements to the snack bar at ARA please consider joining the Board of Directors, or recommend the formation of a sub-committee devoted to finding ways to improve our member experience.

How are my dues spent? Why do they increase periodically?

Avalon is proud to provide a well-maintained facility at a reasonable cost to the members of our community. These costs include the regular maintenance and upkeep of the club, the employee salaries, utilities, and insurance to ensure a safe environment for our families.

Periodically, large and unexpected costs arise such as resurfacing the tennis courts, replacing expensive light bulbs and improvements to the filtration system of the pools. The Board’s primary focus when we meet monthly is to manage our income and expenses as frugally as we can in orders to keep member costs as low as possible.

Every year at the annual meeting in October, full printed reports regarding budget initiatives are made available to the membership. At other times, members may make an appointment to review the financials of the club.

If you have ideas regarding the ARA budget, please consider joining the Board of Directors, or form a sub-committee to bring recommendations to the board.

If you’re interested or have ideas, please consider joining the Board of Directors, or form a sub-committee to bring recommendations to the board.

How much does it cost to be on the swim team or the dive team?

It is $130 for first and second swimmer or diver, then $120 for each additional in same family. If they do both teams, it’s $200. A payment plan is easy to set up, initially pay registration fees only, then half due by May 30th balance due by June 30th.

Can we have music on the loudspeakers at the pool?

ARA does play music at parties or holiday celebrations. While many members would enjoy music, there are some who may not. Furthermore, the selection of tunes and the volume of the speakers would remain controversial. If you have ideas on how to resolve disparate ideas about music selection, please let the Board new.

Can we put the volleyball court up all the time?

ARA plans to put the court back during the swim season, except during dive and swim meets.

Is the upstairs room available for private use?

Yes! $40 for 3 hours of use. Please contact the manager on duty regarding room rental at 804-740-8593, or in the pool office.

Is the grill available for private use?

Not at this time. Your recommendations are welcome if the grill is in demand.

Please keep your questions coming, and we will do our best to answer them as thoroughly as possible. Once again, please consider joining the ARA Board of Directors.